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Abstracts are invited to be submitted for the ASCIA 2024 Conference in one of the following presentation types:

Posters – Posters in PDF format to be uploaded for the duration of the conference in a virtual gallery, as well as on display on an electronic poster board in the conference venue.  Poster presenters will have the opportunity to provide a 3-minute recorded presentation for uploading to the online platform Some selected authors  will present their posters in person at the Adelaide Convention Centre (ACC) on 3rd September 2024.

Clinical Grand Rounds (CGR) Oral Presentations - for clinical immunology/allergy advanced trainees only, to be presented in person at the ACC on 3rd September 2024.

The deadline to submit your abstract is: 23:59 (AEST) Wednesday 3rd July 2024.

*Authors will need to be registered by the above deadline.

'Create a New Account' for further information on formatting your abstract, themes, or to start your submission. Please note you can save your submission as a draft at any time and come back to it later.

Note that you are required to create a 'New Account' specifically for this Conference. Any other membership accounts you may have with the Society are separate and will not give you access to log-in. If you have previously created an account to submit an abstract for this 2024 Conference, and have forgotten your password you can re-set your password via the following link: forgot password If you face any issues with creating an account or signing into the portal please contact the Conference Secretariat

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